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Bruggink, C, Jensen, D. Combining ion chromatography with mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry: annual review 2020. Anal Sci Adv. 2020; 1‐ 12.

Geerdink, R. B., Hassing, M., Ayarza, N. Bruggink, C., Wielheesen, M., Claassen, J., Epema, O. J. (2020) Analysis of glyphosate, AMPA, Glufosinate and MPPA with ION chromatography tandem mass spectrometry using A membrane suppressor in the ammonium form application to surface water of low to moderate salinity Anal. Chimica Acta, 1133, 66-76.


Bousova K, Bruggink C, Godula M (2017) Fast routine analysis of polar pesticides in foods by suppressed ion chromatography and mass spectrometry. Br. J. Anal. Chem. 4(17), 66-78

Wouters S, Bruggink C, Agroskin Y, Pohl C, Eeltink S (2017) Microfluidic membrane suppressor module design and evaluation for capillary ion chromatography. J  Chromatogr A, 1484, 26-33.

Jensen D, Boušová K, Bruggink C, & Godula M (2017) Polare Herbizide und Pestizide Bestimmung in Lebensmitteln –
Neues chromatographisches Verfahren auf der Basis der Ionenchromatographie  und Massenspektrometrie, Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 113, Juli, 290-297.

Bruggink C, Trick J, Wanner C, & Jensen D  (2016) Novel Determination of Organic Acids in Diesel And Motor Oil by Ion Chromatography. Anal Lett PT A In Press Accepted Manuscript.

Bousova K, Bruggink C, Godula M (2016) Fast routine analysis of polar pesticides in foods by suppressed ion chromatography and mass spectrometry. Application Note 46868,

Trick J, Wanner C, Bruggink C, Jensen D (2016) Determination of formic and acetic acids in petroleum products by ion chromatography. Customer Application Note 72204,

Maier M, Reusch D, Bruggink C, Bulau P, Wuhrer M, & Mølhøj M (2016) Applying mini-bore HPAEC-MS/MS for the characterization and quantification of Fc N-glycans from heterogeneously glycosylated IgGs. J Chromatogr B 1033-1024, 342-352.

Bruggink C, Rohrer JS, & Wuhrer M. (2016) Identifying Urinary Glycans is a Suitable Approach for the Diagnosis of Lysosomal Storage Diseases In Glycobiology and Human Diseases (Wiederschain G.), pp. 65-85. Taylor& Francis Group

Wouters B, Broeckhoven K, Wouters S, Bruggink C, Agroskin Y, Pohl CA, & Eeltink S (2014) Using contemporary liquid chromatography theory and technology to improve capillary gradient ion-exchange separations. J Chromatogr A 1370, 63-69.

Wouters S, Wouters B, Jespers S, Desmet G, Eghbali H, Bruggink C, & Eeltink S (2014) Design and performance evaluation of a microfluidic ion-suppression module for anion-exchange chromatography. J Chromatogr A 1335, 253-260.

Bruggink C. (2013) Characterization of oligosaccharides with capillary high performance anion exchange chromatography hyphenated to pulsed amperometric detection and ion trap spectrometry. Thesis ISBN 978-94-6182-156- 0

Eghbali H, Bruggink C, Agroskin Y, Pohl CA, & Eeltink S (2012) Performance evaluation of ion-exchange chromatography in capillary format. J Sep Sci. 35, 3461-3468.

Wouters B, Bruggink C, Desmet G, Agroskin Y, Pohl C, & Eeltink S (2012) Capillary ion chromatography at high pressure and temperature. Anal Chem 84, 7212-7217.3.

Bruggink C. (2012) Oligosaccharide analysis by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography hyphenated to integrated pulsed amperometric detection and on-line ion-trap mass spectrometry. In Applications of ion chromatography for pharmaceutical and biological products (Bhattacharyya,L. & Rohrer,J.S., eds), pp. 379-391. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bruggink C, Poorthuis BJ, Deelder AM, & Manfred Wuhrer M (2012) Analysis of urinary oligosaccharides in lysosomal storage disorders by capillary high-performance anion-exchange chromatography-mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem.403, 1671-1683.

Bruggink C, Poorthuis BJ, Piraud M, Froissart R, Deelder AM, & Wuhrer M (2010) Glycan profiling of urine, amniotic fluid and ascitic fluid from galactosialidosis patients reveals novel oligosaccharides with reducing end hexose and aldohexonic acid residues. FEBS J 277, 2970-2986.

Ruhaak LR, Zauner G, Huhn C, Bruggink C, Deelder AM, & Wuhrer M (2010) Glycan labeling strategies and their use in identification and quantification. Anal Bioanal Chem 397, 3457-3481.

Cook K, Dewsbury P, Burgess K, & Bruggink C (2010) Ion Chromatography Coupled to MS for Metabolomic Analysis. Chromatography Today 16-19.

Bruggink C, Koeleman C, Barreto V, Lui Y, Pohl C, Ingendoh A, Wuhrer M, Hokke C, Deelder A (2007) P39-T Aanalysis of Oligosaccharides with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (CHPAEC-PAD) and On-Line Electrospray-Ionization Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (CHPAEC-ITMS). J Biomol Tech. 18, 14 .

Bruggink C, van Rossum WJ, Spijkerman E, & van Beelen ES (2007) Iodide analysis by anion-exchange chromatography and pulsed amperometric detection in surface water and adsorbable organic iodide. J Chromatogr A 1144, 170-174.

Bruggink C, Wuhrer M, Koeleman CA, Barreto V, Liu Y, Pohl C, Ingendoh A, Hokke CH, & Deelder AM (2005) Oligosaccharide analysis by capillary-scale high-pH anion-exchange chromatography with on-line ion-trap mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 829, 136-143.

Bruggink C, Maurer R, Herrmann H, Cavalli S, & Hoefler F (2005) Analysis of carbohydrates by anion exchange chromatography and mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 1085, 104-109.

Bruggink, C. (2000) Backgrounds and possibilities for electrochemical detection in conjunction with anion exchange chromatography. Conference proceeding AVH Association - 7th Symposium - Reims, March 2000, 3-9.

van der Hoeven RAM, Tjaden UR, van der Greef J, van Casteren WHM, Schols HA, Voragen AGJ, & Bruggink C (1998) Recent progress in high-performance anion-exchange chromatography/ionspray mass spectrometry for molecular mass determination and characterization of carbohydrates using static and scanning array detection. J Mass Spectrom 33, 377-386.

Torto N, Hofte A, Tjaden UR, Gorton L, Marko-Varga G, Bruggink C, & van der Greef J (1998) Microdialysis-introduction high-performance anion-exchange chromatography/ionspray mass spectrometry for monitoring of online-desalted carbohydrate hydrolysates. J Mass Spectrom 33, 334-341.

van der Hoeven RAM, Hofte AJP, Tjaden UR, van der Greef J, Torto N, Gorton L, Marko-Varga G, & Bruggink C (1998) Sensitivity improvement in the analysis of oligosaccharides by online high-performance anion-exchange chromatography/ionspray mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 12, 69-74.

Bruggink C, van Rossum WJ, & Smeenk JGMM (1995) Ionchromatografische spooranalyse van bromaat in drink- en oppervlaktewater met behulp van een macro-injectiesysteem. H2O 28, 343-347.

Schols HA, Mutter M, Voragen AG, Niessen WM, van der Hoeven RA, van der GJ, & Bruggink C (1994) The use of combined high-performance anion-exchange chromatography-thermospray mass spectrometry in the structural analysis of pectic oligosaccharides. Carbohydr Res 261, 335-342.

Niessen WM, van der Hoeven RA, van der Greef J, Schols HA, Voragen AG, & Bruggink C (1993) Recent progress in high-performance anion-exchange chromatography thermospray mass-spectrometry of oligosaccharides. J Chromatogr 647, 319-327.

Niessen WMA, van der Hoeven RAM, van der Greef J, Schols HA, lucaslokhorst G, Voragen AGJ, & Bruggink C (1992) High-performance anion-exchange chromatography thermospray mass-spectromtry in the analysis of oligosaccharides. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 6, 474-478.

van der Hoeven RAM, Niessen WM, Schols HA, Bruggink C, Voragen AG, & van der Greef J (1992) Characterization of sugar oligomers by on-line highperformance anion-exchange chromatography thermospray mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr 627, 63-73.

Schols HA, Voragen AG, & Bruggink C (1992) Analyse van koolhydraten met HPAEC/PAD: aanvulling of doorbraak? Voedingsmiddelentechnologie 7, 30-33.

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